Friday, February 5, 2016

A Way to Make Their Day

One of my nephews is in my Algebra 2 class this year. Today is his birthday, and I gave him an assessment. Happy Birthday, Kale.

I wanted to make the day special for him, so I wrote some notes and drew some pictures on the inside of his assessment. Then I did a little magic as I was passing them out to make sure the "special" assessment landed on his desk.

He volunteers as a junior firefighter and carries a pager to alert him when help is needed. He's not supposed to leave school for fires, but oh how he would love to!

Kitty inspired by this post from Jonathan.


I loved the grin on his face as he worked his way through the assessment. That's when I realized that I have lots of other students who celebrate birthdays on assessment day, or who just need a little extra encouragement . . . This is going to have to be my new thing.