Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I Heart My Seating Chart

Due to a snow day right before break, I am spending the first day back watching my students take final exams. It stinks for them that they have to take exams after a two-week break, but I am enjoying a day of collecting my thoughts before our new semester begins tomorrow.

So what am I doing? I am making up seating charts. And I am sitting here thinking about how much I love my seating charts. (I know, I am such a nerd!)

I am sure that there is a more sophisticated way to do this . . . but I just can't stop myself from using sticky notes and multiple blank printouts of my seating layout.

You could use sticky flags, but I like to make my own by cutting off the bottom half of a small stack of sticky notes and then cutting them into fourths.

I use pink and blue so that I can see at a glance if I have a somewhat even gender distribution.

Best of all, it is super easy to manipulate your arrangement until you get it just right.

And it all fits in a nice folder.

Ok, time to start grading those final exams.  :(


  1. I just found your blog from Mimi's post today and have been enjoying reading your archives (instead of grading, of course). I have my seating chart on a powerpoint file where each student's name is a text box. Then I can drag and drop until I find an arrangement I like, print a copy, and project it on the screen. Link to file on dropbox: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5478453/Blank%20seating%20plan.ppt

  2. Hi Tina! Thanks for visiting and for sharing your file. It is good to know that when I am ready to do something more sophisticated, I don't have to start from scratch. :)

  3. Hi Amy! I just found your blog and am also a math teacher. I love your ideas!! I do the exact same thing for my seating charts! I will also put each period's chart in a sheet protector and that way I can scribble little notes throughout the day with a dry erase marker. Like absences, behavior (good & bad) etc.

  4. LOVE this! OK. It is so nice to have a colleague to steal ideas from! Amazing!
